Latest information

The latest information on Kyushu Kouatsu

  • 『事業継続力強化計画』の認定を受けました。

    Our "Business Continuity Enhancement Plan" has been certified.

    Summary In recent years, large-scale natural disasters have been occurring frequently all over the country. In addition, the recent COVID-19 outbreak and other natural disasters have caused … #!trp…

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  • 健康経営優良法人2024を取得いたしました

    We have been recognized as a Healthy Company of 2024.

    As part of its efforts to realize a society of healthy longevity, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is considering employee health management from a management perspective and promoting health maintenance.

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  • 鹿児島県のカーボン・クレジットによりオフセットした 「カーボンニュートラル容器再検査」の販売開始について

    Offset with carbon credits from Kagoshima Prefecture…

    Start of sales of "Carbon Neutral Container Re-inspection" offset by Kagoshima Prefecture's carbon credits

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  • ホームページをリニューアルしました

    The homepage was renewed

    Thank you for visiting the website of Kyushu Koatsu Co., Ltd. This time, the homepage is all ... #!trp ...

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